Meeting Minutes

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Meeting Minutes

March, 1 2011
SIMM Regular Monthly Meeting

Meeting called to order by Pres. Eddie Vickery at 7:12 PM.

11 Members present

Minutes from the previous regular monthly meeting were read. Minutes approved as read.

Treasurers report was read by Treas. Barb Vickery. Report approved as read.

Old Business

* Deep Fryer- Barb Vickery reported that Carla Noel has received two bids for a new deep fryer. 1) $710 2) $741. The $741 unit has a higher BTU rating and is the unit that Carla recommends. Kurt Schmidt made a motion to buy the higher BTU fryer, seconded by Terry Palmisano, motion carried.

* Terry Sprague Memorial Race – Terry Palmisano reported that POWRi is racing on the night we had planned for the memorial Aug 6th. POWRi is not racing the week before or after. Pres. Vickery said he would discuss with the Sprague Family to see what they would prefer.

* Work Day, Track Prep., Hoses for Infield –. Pres. Vickery reported that these items are still pending and he will schedule a work day at the track as soon as the weather breaks.

* Hornet Rules – Mark Rady asked if he could have his contact information posted on our web site and ask hornet drivers to respond to him about rules so that he can gather all the input from the drivers. Brad McDaniel said he will post it for him.

* Track Prep – Still need someone to do the track prep and several names were brought up. Pres. Vickery said he would make some calls and see if anyone is interested and how much they would charge. Terry Palmisano reported that the drain from turn one needs to be cleaned out and it will require a backhoe to dig it out. VP Sexton said he would be willing to bring his machine and do it when he had a chance. Terry also reported that there are some sections of guardrail that need attention. Pres. Vickery thought we had some extra sections and or we could use the one from the old scale and take out the old scale while we had a backhoe on site.

* Trubuilt lot for parking – Pres. Vickery reported that he still needs to meet with the folks from Trubuilt about using their lot for parking during The 66.

New Business

* Track Announcer – Randy Foutch made a motion that we re-hire Jay Hardin for his normal rate. Pres. Vickery said he would call Jay and see if he is interested and what his schedule will be for this year.

* Track Payout – Kurt Schmidt and Brad McDaniel presented an idea for a guaranteed type payout. After some discussion, Pres. Vickery advised that we will need to table until everyone had a chance to review the pros and cons.

* Bantera Bank- Barb Vickery reported that the bank is going to charge an additional $40/month for policing the two signature policy unless we send a letter stating that we would take on that responsibility. Barb will send the letter ASAP.

* Polling Place – Pres. Vickery reported that the County would like to use our Facility again for a Polling Place and that it is the same night as our next meeting. Terry Palmisano made a motion to let them use it and we could still have our meeting outside or some other place on the grounds. Seconded by Mark Rady, motion carried.

Next Meeting will be Saturday April 5th at 7:00 PM.

Barb Vickery made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Terry Palmisano. Pres. Eddie Vickery adjourned the meeting at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Kurt Schmidt, Secretary

February, 1 2011
SIMM Regular Monthly Meeting

Meeting called to order by Pres. Eddie Vickery at 7:03 PM.

14 Members present

Minutes from the previous regular monthly meeting were read. Minutes approved as read.

Treasures report was read by Treas. Barb Vickery. Report approved as read,

Old Business

* Schedule/Practice- Kurt Schmidt advised that the scheduled practice date of April 23rd is Easter weekend. Motion made by Richard Noel to have practice on April 30th, seconded by Kyle Masters, motion carried.

* “66” Memorial Race – Gary Bouhl asked if the property was going to be maintained (mowed) prior to the June race. Pres. Vickery reported that the club will be maintaining the property up to the memorial race and that the promoters would just need to mow it before their show. Gary Bouhl asked about how much cost was in fuel for the equipment on race days and if it would be ok for the club to have the equipment full and they would leave it that way. Pres. Vickery advised that it is around $70-$80 and the club will make sure the equipment is full prior to the event.

* Work Day –. Pres. Vickery reported that he will schedule a work day at the track as soon as the weather breaks.

* Hornet Rules – The Hornet drivers said they are working on tire rules and will have something for the club as soon as they can all get together.

* Membership Card – Pres. Vickery reported that Terry Palmisano is working on the cards.

* Track Prep – Still need someone to do the track prep.

New Business 

* Sprague Memorial – Pres. Vickery reported that he spoke to the Sprague family and they would like to have it around Terry”s birthday which is Aug 7th, Motion by Barb Vickery to hold the race on Aug 6th. Seconded by David Rady, motion carried.

* Trubuilt lot for parking – Pres. Vickery reported that he will meet with the folks from Trubuilt about using their lot for parking during the “66” Memorial.

* Hoses for infield – VP Sexton asked if we could put some long hoses at the infield water connections for added fire protection. Hoses at each light pole long enough to cover the corners would cover most of the entire track. Pres. Vickery asked if anyone could come up with some hose and we'll discuss at the next meeting.

Next Meeting will be Saturday March 1st at 7:00PM.

Barb Vickery made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Richard Noel . Pres. Eddie Vickery adjourned the meeting at 7:49 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Kurt Schmidt, Secretary